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You must be of legal age to enter this site, and by entering you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should I expect to wait to receive my rebate once my rebate submission has been submitted?

Please allow 6-8 weeks to receive your rebate. If you selected Prepaid card, you can use your Visa Prepaid Card everywhere Visa debit cards are accepted in the U.S. Pay close attention to the expiration date of the Card. Look for further details within the offer terms and conditions.

Will rebate offer(s) expire?

Yes, each specific rebate program will have a set time frame wherein you may participate in the offer. Please refer to the specific terms and conditions for each offer to obtain this information.

Can I mail in a rebate request?

No. You must redeem your rebate via the online application per the terms and conditions of the offer.

Can I submit more than one (1) rebate per web submission?

Yes, refer to the terms and conditions of each offer. Each valid receipt must be submitted separately and within the allowable timeframe per offer.

Can I participate in multiple offerings?

Yes, as long as you have complied with each offerings purchase requirements and each valid purchase is made during different transactions. However, you may only submit one (1) receipt per each web submission within the allowable timeframe per offer.

Who can I contact with questions or concerns?

Please contact us by email at regarding any rebate questions.